What New Updates From Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are popular destinations for international students and skilled workers seeking new opportunities. Both countries have recently made changes to their immigration policies, including updates to student and open work permit rules. In this blog post, we’ll explore the latest immigration updates from Australia and New Zealand.



  1. Changes to student visa rules

In July 2022, the Australian government made changes to the student visa rules. The changes included an expansion of the Post-Study Work Stream, which allows international graduates to stay and work in Australia after completing their studies. The changes also included a reduction in the English language requirements for certain programs, and an increase in the maximum age for the Graduate Work Stream. These changes are intended to make it easier for international students to study and work in Australia.

  1. Changes to skilled worker visa rules

The Australian government has also made changes to the skilled worker visa rules. In November 2022, the government announced a new program called the Global Talent Independent Program, which is designed to attract highly skilled workers in key industries such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The program offers fast-tracked visas and priority processing for qualified applicants, making it easier for them to work and live in Australia.

  1. Open work permit for partners of skilled workers

In December 2022, the Australian government announced that it would be introducing a new open work permit for partners of skilled workers on certain visa types. The permit will allow partners to work in any occupation for any employer, providing greater flexibility and opportunities for families who have relocated to Australia.

New Zealand

  1. Changes to student visa rules

In November 2022, the New Zealand government announced changes to the student visa rules. The changes included the removal of the requirement for students to provide evidence of funds for living expenses, making it easier for students to study in New Zealand. The government also announced plans to introduce a new work visa for graduates of New Zealand institutions, which will allow them to stay and work in the country for up to three years.

  1. Changes to open work permit rules

The New Zealand government has also made changes to the open work permit rules. In October 2022, the government announced that partners of skilled workers on certain visa types would be eligible for an open work permit, allowing them to work in any occupation for any employer. The government also announced plans to make it easier for partners of New Zealand citizens and residents to obtain work visas.

Staying informed about the latest immigration updates in Australia and New Zealand is important for anyone considering studying or working in these countries. The recent changes to student visa rules, open work permit rules, and skilled worker visa rules in both countries provide greater opportunities and flexibility for international students and skilled workers. With their welcoming and diverse cultures, Australia and New Zealand continue to be top destinations for those seeking new experiences and opportunities.

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