Study Visa

Study Visa

Study Visa is a ticket for students that allows them to pursue a course of their choice abroad. Students prefer to choose an Immigration Consultancy like Kalra’s Immigration Consultancy (KCS) to lodge their visa application by taking care of all the requirements and procedures because applying could be a difficult and time-consuming process.

KCS is a well-known Immigration Consultancy in Amritsar that offers various Study Visa Services for the countries like Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA, and New Zealand.

Study Abroad


Canada is the choicest destination for International Students to pursue higher studies at an affordable cost. To obtain Canada Study Visa without any hassle, Admission to the Designated Learning Institution is a must. KCS will assist its clients to gather all the necessary documentation and submit their applications by ensuring that they meet all the eligibility requirements.
Study Abroad


Australia has top-notch Universities and diverse environment, it’s a prime choice of International Students in order to pursue higher studies. Learners need to show proof of acceptance, financial independency to pay for tuition and living expenses in order to get a Study Visa for Australia.

Study Abroad


The UK is a foremost choice for international students because it is home to some of the oldest and reputed universities in the world. You must demonstrate your acceptance into a programme and language proficiency in order to get enroll to the desired course.
Study Abroad


The USA is a popular choice for overseas students due to its renowned top-tier universities and research facilities. You’ll need to show proof of acceptance into a reputable university as well as evidence of your ability to pay for tuition and living expenses in order to get a study visa for the USA. A medical test and a police certificate are additional requirements.
Study Abroad

New Zealand

Beautiful and friendly, New Zealand is known for its excellent educational system, which places a strong emphasis on innovation and sustainability. You must show proof of acceptance into an authorised programme of study and financial support to pay for tuition and living expenses in order to be granted a study visa for New Zealand. A medical certificate and a police check are also requirements.
KCS provides a variety of immigration services, including work visas, visiting visas, and tourist visas, in addition to study visa services. They have a group of qualified specialists on staff that are committed to assisting their clients in achieving their immigration goals.





At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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