Work Visa

Work Permit

Kalra’s Consultancy Services (KCS) is a reputed Immigration and Visa Consultancy Firm located in Amritsar. Our Immigration consultancy offers various services to help visa seekers to get their Study Visas, Visitor Visa, and Tourist visas. One of the prime services KCS provides to its clients is Work Permit assistance for Individuals seeking Employment abroad.
A Work Permit is a permission for foreign nationals to work lawfully in their dream nation for a specific duration, sometimes it is also referred to as a Work Visa. So consulting an Immigration firm is advisable for filing Work Permit because the procedure of getting a Work visa can be difficult and time-consuming.
Kalra’s Consultancy Services is responsible for offering work permit services for several countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand. The standards and processes for acquiring a work permit differ depending on the nation, and KCS has a team of experts who are familiar with these country-specific guidelines.
Knowing the requirements is the first step in the process of lodging a work permit. This may take into account things like the applicant’s education, professional experience, language skills, and employment offer from a company in the country where they are staying. KCS supports clients in determining their suitability for a work permit and determining their eligibility.





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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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